Important City of Phoenix Numbers:

Emergency: 9-1-1

Crime Stop (non-emergency): 602-262-6151

Police Information: 602-262-7626

Traffic Complaints: 602-534-SPEED (7733)

Graffiti Busters
(clean-up/removal): 602-495-7014

Graffiti Hotline (report): 602-262-7327

Illegal Dumping: 602-262-7251

Neighborhood Services:  602-262-7844

Street Transportation:  602-262-6284

Help keep Arcadia looking beautiful

We try our best to keep Arcadia looking beautiful and most people agree that it is one of the nicest looking neighborhoods anywhere. But it’s an effort that requires everybody’s help. If you notice overgrown weeds, trash, abandon vehicles, outside storage, illegal signs, etc. please contact Neighborhood Services [ click here for Blight Violations brochure and phone numbers ]

You can also Download the smartphone app “MyPhxAz” to report blight in your neighborhood!

or report blight by emailing

or call 602-534-4444.

For more information, please visit

Resources to keep your home beautiful and safe

Security Lighting - it’s dark at night, burglars like dark

Oleanders - Replacement Recommendations for Oleanders Dying in Arcadia

Roof Rats (Rattus rattus) - Defending against Roof Rats

Short Term Rentals - unscrupulous owners are causing problems for neighborhoods

Classic Arcadia Home? Beware Stab-Lok® Circuit Breakers

Great neighborhoods need involved neighbors


We need you to get involved and speak out against commercial development under the guise of preservation! AND, most importantly, please help is spread the word by donating! 

Help us to pursue our mission to preserve and protect Arcadia


Replacement Recommendations for Oleanders Dying in Arcadia By Andy Gough

Have you noticed oleanders dying and be removed in the Arcadia area?A fatal disease, Oleander Leaf Scorch, is spreading among oleanders. Once infected, they die over a 3-5 year period.

[ read or download the full article here ]

Roof Rats in Arcadia, written by Andrew Gough, Arcadia resident

The roof rat (Rattus rattus) were first identified in the Arcadia area in 2002. They are not native to Arizona and were likely inadvertently introduced from another state. However, now that they are established here, they are never going away, so continuous control of their population by homeowners is needed. [read or download the full story here]

Toxic Plants found in landscaping, by Andrew Gough

In the beauty and serenity of our Arcadia landscapes lurk the hidden danger of toxic plants. Homeowners need to be aware of hazardous plants in their landscapes so they can safeguard children and pets from danger. Here are the actions you can take to ensure their safety:

[ read or download the full article here ]