Variances and Use Permits (Zoning Adjustments)
A variance is a request to allow a deviation from a development standard required by the Phoenix Zoning Ordinance. The Arizona State Statutes and the Zoning Ordinance require that four (4) conditions exist on the subject property for a variance to be approved. The Zoning Administrator or Hearing Officer must find that these four conditions exist on the subject property to rule favorably on a variance request. It is the burden of the applicant to prove his or her case. More information can be found at the Planning and Zoning website.
The ACMNA Preservation Committee reviews all variance requests made to the Phoenix Planning Department. Each request is reviewed on a case by case basis for compliance with the four test conditions. We strongly urge anyone seeking a zoning variance within the Association Boundaries to contact us before making a formal Variance Application. Please be aware that The ACMNA will oppose any Variance requesting an increase in the Lot Coverage.
4244 North 45th Place [ZA-54- 25]
Variance to reduce the northern side yard setback to 3 feet (minimum required: 10 feet).
Reason: City of Phoenix error during the review and approval process.
The residential plot plan (Plan 2404620-RPDR) was approved on September 6, 2024.
The setback issue was only identified during the first inspection on January 7, 2025—after significant construction had begun.
City officials acknowledged the mistake in writing and advised pursuing a variance.
Zoning Adjustment Hearing:
📅 Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2025, at 9:00 AM
📍 Location: 200 W. Washington St., Phoenix, AZ 85003, Assembly Room C (1st Floor)
🔗 More Info: Public Meeting Notices
4821 E Calle Tuberia [ZA-710-24-6]
ACMNA opposes the variance requested:
Variance to allow a 32 percent lot coverage.
Maximum 30 percent lot coverage permitted.
4959 Red Rock Drive [ZA-420-22, 4959]
ACMNA does NOT oppose the variance requests to:
No opposition to variance requests:
Front yard setback: Reduce to 10 feet (40 feet required).
West-side setback: Reduce to 15 feet (20 feet required).
If approved, request stipulation:
Restrict use to outdoor staircase only.
No enclosure or conversion to livable space.
The ACMNA previously reviewed this request and maintain our position of non-opposition to the applicant’s request for a time extension.
3916 N 54th Street [ZA-651-24-6]
ACMNA does not oppose the variance request; most conditions are met.
Request seeks to reduce west side setback from 10' to 6'6" for a 10' x 16' add-on room.
Given the parcel's irregular shape, the location appears optimal.
ZA-147-24-6 * Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info *
Variance to reduce the required rear yard setback (east) to 20 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.
ZAHO Hearing date: April 4, 2024 [9:00 AM] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 7 ]
The ACMNA does not oppose this request [ Read the ACMNA position statement here ]
Hearing Results: Approved with stipulations:
1) 18 months to apply and pay for building permits.
2) Landscaping or trees shall be provided on the east end of the new building.
3) Per the rear yard setback shown on the site plan date stamped February 29, 2024.
ZA-623-23-6 * Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
1) Variance to reduce the rear yard setback (east) to 10 feet. Minimum 30 feet required.
2) Variance to reduce the front yard setback (west) for a detached accessory dwelling unit to 15 feet. Minimum 30 feet required.
3) Use permit to allow detached accessory dwelling unit located between the primary dwelling unit and the front property line. Use permit required.
ZAHO Hearing date: February 29, 1:30 [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 9 ]
ZA-691 -23-6 * Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Revocation of Use Permit ZA-454-21-6, a use permit #SGNP204593, for an electronic message display (EMD) on a ground sign.
ZAHO Hearing date: January 18, 1:30PM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 11 ]
The ACMNA IS IN SUPPORT of this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZA-325-23-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Variance to allow an over height fence 7 feet high in the required front yard setback. Maximum 40 inches allowed.
ZAHO Hearing date: October 26, 2023 9:00am [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 1 ]
On January 18, 2024, this request was denied by the ZAHO
The ACMNA is OPPOSED to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZA-681-23-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
1) Variance to reduce the required front yard setback (west) to 8 feet. Minimum 20 feet required.
2) Variance to reduce the rear yard setback (northeast) to 5 feet. Minimum 25 foot setback required.
3) Variance to delete the required landscape strip around the principal structure to 0 feet. Minimum 3 feet of landscape required.
4) Variance to eliminate requirement for 200 square feet of additional landscaping,
ZAHO Hearing date: January 18, 2024, 9:00am [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 5 ]
The ACMNA IS NOT opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZA-423-23-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
1) Variance to reduce the required side yard (northeast) setback to 10 feet. Minimum 20 feet required.
2) Variance to reduce the required side yard (east) setback to 10 feet. Minimum 20 feet required.
ZAHO Hearing date: November 2, 2023 9:00am [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 5 ]
The ACMNA IS NOT opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZA-325-23-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Variance to allow an over height fence 7 feet high in the required front yard setback. Maximum 40 inches allowed.
ZAHO Hearing date: October 26, 2023 9:00am [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 1 ]
The ACMNA is OPPOSED to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZA-331-23-6 * Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Variance to reduce side yard setback (west) to 3 feet. Minimum 10 feet required.
ZAHO Hearing September 23, 2023 9:00am [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 2 ]
[ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZA-262-23-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Variance to reduce the required rear yard setback (south) to 20 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.
ZAHO Hearing date: August 10, 2023 1:30 [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 13 ]
The ACMNA is NOT opposed to this variance [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZA-244-23-6 * Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Variance to reduce the required front yard (north) setback to 10 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.
ZAHO Hearing date: August 3, 2023 1:30 [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 12 ]
The ACMNA is NOT opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZA-211-23-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Variance to reduce the required front yard setback (south) to 22 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.
ZAHO Hearing date: July 13, 2023 1:30PM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 10 ]
The ACMNA IS NOT opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZA-191-23-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Variance to allow an over height (11 feet) accessory structure 5 feet from the street side property line (west). Maximum 8 feet in height allowed
ZAHO Hearing date: May 22, 2023 9:00am [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 8 ]
[ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZA-107-23-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Variance to reduce the required front yard setback (north) to 25 feet. Minimum 40 feet required
ZAHO Hearing date: May 4, 2023 9:00am [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 3 ]
The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZA-89-23-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Variance to reduce the front yard (west) setback to 9 feet. Minimum 30 feet required.
ZAHO Hearing date: April 6, 2023 9:00am [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 5 ]
The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZA-594-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Variance to allow an over height (12 feet) detached accessory structure within the required side yard setback (south). Maximum 8 feet permitted.
ZAHO Hearing date: February 2, 2023 9:00am [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 2 ]
The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
Result: The Zoning Adjustment Hearing Officer approved this request for variance.
ZA-493-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Variance to allow 28 percent lot coverage, for a 2 story house
The ACMNA is opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
The ZAHO denied this request
ZA-420-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
1) Variance to reduce the front yard setback (north) to 10 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.
2) Variance to reduce the required side yard setback (west) to 15 feet. Minimum 20 feet required.
ZAHO Hearing date: October 27 , 2022 1:30PM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 11 ]
The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZAHO Decision: Approved with stipulations, General conformance to the site plan date stamped September 1, 2022 with regard to the dimensions of the request for front and west side setbacks. 2 years to apply and pay for building permits.
ZA-375-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Variance to reduce the side yard setback (east) to 5 feet. Minimum 10 feet required.
ZA Hearing date: September 29, 2022 9:00 AM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 6 ]
ZAHO Decision: Approved with stipulations; 1) Limited to general compliance with what is shown on the site plan date stamped August 11, 2022. 2) 1 year to apply and pay for building permits.
The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZA-359-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
1) Use permit to allow a closed projection to project 33 feet into the rear yard (south) setback. Use permit required.
2) Variance to reduce the side yard setback (east) for a detached accessory structure to 0 feet. Minimum 3 foot setback required.
3) Variance to allow an over height (15 feet) detached accessory structure within the required side yard setback. Maximum 8 feet permitted.
ZAHO Hearing date: September 22 , 2022 9:00 [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 3 ]
The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZAHO Decision: These variance requests were approved with the following stipulations:
1) Per the setback reductions as shown in the site plan dated August 4, 2022.
2) Maximum height of the structure shall not exceed 15 feet.
3) Shrubs shall be planted to screen detached structure for the neighbor to the east.
4) 1 year to apply and pay for building permits.
ZA-194-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
1) Variance to reduce the required minimum lot depth to 160 feet for Lot K. Minimum 175 feet required.
2) Variance to reduce the required front setback (north) to 15 feet for Lot K. Minimum 40 feet required.
3) Variance to reduce the minimum lot width to 20 feet for Lot L. Minimum 150 feet of width required.
ZAHO Hearing date: August 18, 2022 9:00AM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 1 ]
ZAHO Decision: These variance requests were approved with the following stipulations: 1) One year to complete the lot split. 2) Subject to the site plan date stamped April 28, 2022, with the exception the access to Lot L shall be placed along the east side of Lot K.
ZA-274-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Variance to allow a 37 percent lot coverage. Maximum of 30 percent lot coverage permitted.
ZAHO Hearing date: August 4 , 2022 1:30PM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 12 ]
The ACMNA is opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZAHO Decision: This request for variance was denied.
ZA-266-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
1) Variance to reduce the rear yard (east) setback to 20 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.
2) Variance to increase the height of a wall (6 feet) located in the front yard setback. Maximum 40 inches permitted.
3) Variance to reduce the front yard (west and south) to 35 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.
ZAHO Hearing date: July 14, 2022 1:30PM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 16 ]
The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZAHO Decision:
ZA-194-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
1) Variance to reduce the required minimum lot depth to 160 feet for Lot K. Minimum 175 feet required.
2) Variance to reduce the required front setback (north) to 15 feet for Lot K. Minimum 40 feet required.
3) Variance to reduce the minimum lot width to 20 feet for Lot L. Minimum 150 feet of width required.
ZAHO Hearing date: June 23, 2022 1:30PM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 14 ]
This request for variances was continued to August 18, 2022 at 9:00 AM.
ZA-165-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Variance to reduce side yard setback to 13 feet for an accessory structure. Minimum 20 feet required.
ZAHO Hearing date:June 9, 2022 [ 9AM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 12 ]
The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZA-125-22 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Variance to reduce the required side yard setback (east) to 10 feet. Minimum 15 feet required
ZAHO Hearing date: May 12 , 2022 [ 9AM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 7 ]
The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZAHO Decision:
ZA-100-22 * Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
1) Variance to reduce the front yard setback to 32 feet for a detached structure. Minimum 32 feet 5 inches required.
2) Variance to reduce the side yard (north) setback to 8 feet. Minimum 10 feet required.
ZAHO Hearing date: May 5 , 2022 [ 9AM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 4 ]
The ACMNA is OPPOSED to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZA-99-22 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
1) Variance to reduce the lot width to 50 feet (Lot 2). Minimum 150 feet required.
2) Variance to allow an over height (14 feet) detached accessory structure (Lot 2) within the side yard setback (east). Maximum 8 feet permitted.
3) Variance to reduce the required side yard setback (east) to 9 feet (Lot 1). Minimum 20 feet required.
ZAHO Hearing date: April 28 , 2022 [ 1:30] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 15 ]
The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZAHO Decision: APPROVED with stipulations, 1) The approval of variance number 3 is only for the existing structures. 2) 18 months to apply and pay for building permits.
ZA-91-22 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Variance to reduce the required front yard setback (south) to 30 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.
ZAHO Hearing date: April 28 , 2022 [ 9:00 AM] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 4 ]
The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
ZAHO Decision: APPROVED with stipulation, The home shall not exceed 1 story in height and limited to 15 feet in height as measured to the mid-point the roof.
ZA-89-22 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
Variance to reduce the rear yard (west) setback to 20 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.
ZAHO Hearing date: April 21 , 2022 [ 9:00AM] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 6]
The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]
Hearing Results - This request was approved with stipulations: 1) 1 year to apply and pay for building permits. 2) Per the setback reduction as shown on the plan dated March 17, 2022. 3) The southern perimeter of this lot shall maintain a 40-foot setback for the main building.
The four conditions are:
1. There are special circumstances or conditions applying to the land, building, or use of the subject property which do not apply to other similar properties in the same zoning district. (Special circumstances or conditions would include, for example: an unusual lot size, shape, or topography. This condition is considered a property hardship and it must be a condition relating to the property that is so unique it cannot be replicated on any other similarly zoned land in the City.)
2. The special circumstances or conditions described above were not created by the applicant, owner, or any previous owner of the property. The property hardship cannot be self-imposed.
3. The authorization of a variance is necessary in order for the owner or applicant to enjoy reasonable and substantial property rights. (In other words, without the granting of a variance the property cannot be reasonably used. There is no cause for a variance if the property can be used, even if it is in a manner other than that desired by the owner or applicant.)
4. The authorization of a variance will not be materially detrimental to persons residing or working in the vicinity, to the adjacent property, to the neighborhood, or to the public welfare in general. (A variance which will not be compatible with the surrounding development or will create an adverse impact on other properties cannot be approved.)
City Ordinance 32B-29 Conditions for variances
A Use Permit is a request to allow a use which is permitted by the Zoning Ordinance provided that the use will not cause an adverse impact on adjacent property or properties in the area. The Zoning Administrator or Hearing Officer must find two (2) conditions exist in order to rule favorably on a Use Permit request. The burden of proof is with the applicant and the granting of a Use Permit is at the Zoning Administrator’s or Hearing Officer's discretion.
The use will not cause a significant increase in vehicular or pedestrian traffic in adjacent residential areas or emit odor, dust, gas, noise, vibration, smoke, heat or glare at a level exceeding that of ambient conditions; or contribute in a measurable way to the downgrading of property values; and will comply with the Zoning Ordinance that govern the granting of the permit.

ZA-13-24-6 * Map * Site Plan * Narrative * Aerial * Assessors Info
1) Variance to reduce the required side yard setback (north) to 10 feet. Minimum 20 feet required.
2) Variance to reduce the required side yard setback (south) to 15 feet. Minimum 20 feet required.
3) Variance to reduce the required front yard setback (east) to 20 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.
ZAHO Hearing date: April 11, 2024 [9:00 AM] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 3 ]