3916 N 54th Street

ZA-651-24-6 Map * Site Plan *  Narrative * Aerial * Assessors Info  

  1. Request for variance to reduce west side setback from 10’ to 6’6”.

  2. Purpose: To accommodate a new add-on room (approximately 10’ x 16’) on the west side of the current structure.

  3. Parcel configuration is oddly shaped; proposed location is optimal.

  4. ACMNA conducted an on-site walk-through with property owners.

  5. Confirmation that the add-on room will be distanced from neighbors.

  6. Proposed structure will be mostly concealed by existing 6’ boundary walls.

  7. Extensive trees and plantings in neighboring alley yards will further minimize potential nuisance.

    In conclusion, the ACMNA DOES NOT OPPOSE this request for the variances.