4634 E Calle Tuberia

ZA-34-25-6 Map * Site Plan *  Narrative * Aerial * Assessors Info 

The Arcadia Camelback Mountain Neighborhood Association (ACMNA) opposes the variance request for 4634 E. Calle Tuberia, as it does not meet all four required conditions.

The request seeks to reduce the south front setback to 5 feet for an office and bedroom addition, impacting zoning ordinance Table 611.B(a).

Stakeholder Feedback:

  • 4635 E. Calle Tuberia (directly across): No opposition

  • 4627 E. Calle Tuberia (catacorner SW): Oppose

  • 4444 N. 46th Place (catacorner SW): Oppose (objection filed)

  • 4624 E. Calle Tuberia (2 doors west): No opposition

  • Several Date Palms area neighbors: Oppose