ZA-405-21-6 SIGN * Map *
Use Permit to convert an existing non-conforming off-premise sign to digital billboard
Applicant: Jacob Zonn, Becker Boards - Representative: William Lally, Tiffany & Bosco
[ Read the application letter and ZA request from Becker Boards here ]
[ Mark Becker’s letter proposing changes to the Maricopa County Billboard Ordinance ]
ZAHO Hearing date: September 9, 1:30PM [ Agenda item 12 ]
The ACMNA is opposed this variance [ read our position statement here ]
Zoning Ordinance prohibits aspects which have the following impacts:
Increased glare than currently exists Rather than light pointed upwards onto an ad, ads will be beamed outwards into the community’s eyes.
Decreased surrounding property values Size and brightness are inconsistent with Arcadia, home buyers avoid busy and distractive elements.
Neighborhood deterioration Advertising of this size and brightness demands attention, increasing dangers to drivers and pedestrians.
Roadway safety NHTSA/USDOT determined a correlation with increased crash rates with digital billboards compared to non-digital.