Hopi School Rebuild - Latest Updates
April 6, 2017
Hopi Field Lights
Hopi Elementary will be discussing the option of installing lights on their fields on Tuesday, April 10th at 7:30 AM (yes, morning) in the Hopi library. If you are interested in learning more plan on attending.
April 6, 2017
Photo Opportunity at Hopi Elementary School
December 18, 2017
Scottsdale Unified School District's spending under investigation by Arizona attorney general
Yihyun Jeong, The Republic | azcentral.com Published 10:56 a.m. MT Dec. 18, 2017 | Updated 1:39 p.m. MT Dec. 18, 2017
............ residents have complained for months about a lack of transparency about bidding and billing processes and what they are paying for, with many complaints focused on a contentious rebuild of Hopi Elementary School.
The school district has spent as much as $2.4 million since 2016 to pay Phoenix-based Hunt & Caraway Architects as the lead firm for rebuilding and renovating Scottsdale elementary schools, according to district documents obtained by The Arizona Republic after a public-records request.
December 8, 2017 - Scottsdale School Construction Project Central In AG Investigation
"Not only did they identify concerns with the architect hired for the project, but they found documents showing that employees recently hired by the district, and who had ties to the new Scottsdale Unified School District superintendent.............Click Here to see full story
November 2, 2017 - New floor-plans are now available for the future classroom, admin and multi-purpose buildings. On November 1, more than two dozen people, including Hopi teachers and members of the Hopi Rebuild Committee, reviewed those floor-plans, which include all of the proposed layout changes presented to the Governing Board in October. The changes include windows for all grade-level classrooms, a height reduction for all three buildings and reduced pavement. Other changes are highlighted on this page in the "November Design Changes" section. New floor-plans can be found under "Hopi Documents & Links." [a revised site-plan was also released]
October 26, 2018 -
'Compromise is not pretty' as Scottsdale school board moves forward on Hopi rebuild
Perleberg called it "the only option, in my opinion, that respects the responsibility this governing board has to its entire community and to its dedication to student-focused decision making I encourage the board to approve it today."
"I also make a plea to the Hopi community, heal thyself," she said.
October 26, 2017 - Letter from Tamara Jagodzinski, Hopi School Principle, regarding moving forward with rebuild plans.
"Yesterday at the SUSD board special meeting, the board selected Option B to move forward with the rebuilding of Hopi Elementary School. This option will allow for some changes to the interior layout and exterior design without changing the footprint of the buildings"
Click Here to read / download the complete letter.
October 25, 2017 - the Governing Board voted to continue construction of new school buildings at Hopi, with changes to internal layout, external façade and outdoor use of space. Teachers and Hopi Rebuild Committee members will continue to be engaged in the process as those design changes are made. Changes already proposed include reducing the size of the east turnaround and swapping internal classrooms with the library and computer labs so that every grade-level classroom has a window. Please note, the floor plans and site layout currently posted on bond.susd.org do not reflect these changes or others still to be made.
October 13, 2017 - AZCentral - "Phoenix's Arcadia residents revolt over Hopi Elementary redesign"
Below are the first generation plans and renderings
Click here to see the most current plans and renderings
Scroll down to see the YouTube video and the building plans
Click here to visit the SUSD website for current Hopi project information