ZA-519-20-6 * Map * Aerial Photo * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info *
Variance to reduce side yard setback to 0 feet. Minimum 10 feet required.
ZAHO Hearing date: September 10, 2020 [1:30] [click here for hearing details, Agenda Item ]
The ACMNA does not oppose this request [the ACMNA position statement can be read here] This ZA request was APPROVED with the following stipulations: 1) The carport structure must remain open. 2) The carport structure must remain 1 story. 3) The carport structures size and shape must remain as-is, per site plan date stamped August 3, 2020. 4) 1 year to apply and pay for a revocable permit from the Street Transportation Department. 5) 1 year to apply and pay for building permits.