ZA-250-20-6 * Map * Aerial Photo * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
1) Variance to allow an over height wall (6 feet) within the required front yard setback. Maximum 40 inches permitted.
2) Variance to allow an over height wall (8 feet) within the required side yard (northwest) setback. Maximum 6 feet permitted.
3) Variance to allow a swimming pool within the required front yard setback. Swimming pool is not permitted within the front yard setback.
4) Variance to allow an over height wall (8 feet) in the required rear yard (north) setback. Maximum 6 feet permitted.
ZAHO Hearing date: June 18, 2020 [ 9:00 ] [click here for hearing details, Agenda, Item 7]
The ACMNA does not oppose these requests [click here to read our position statement]
Variance 1,2 & 3 approved with stipulations. Variance 4 was withdrawn.
1) The wall along 45th Street shall be either 30 inches west of the existing wall on the north property line, or 5 feet from back of curb, witch ever it greater.
2) The location of the pool per site plan date stamped April 29, 2020.
1 year to apply and pay for building permits.