ZA-25-20-6 * Map * Aerial Photo * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info *
1) Variance to reduce the required front yard (east) to 7 feet. Minimum 30 feet required.
2) Variance to allow a 33 percent lot coverage. Maximum lot coverage 30 percent permitted.
ZAHO Hearing date: February 20, 2020 [ agenda item 3 ]
ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ our position statement can be read here ]
ZA hearing results: Approved with Stipulations:
1) 1 year to apply and pay for building permits.
2) Post land abandonment ABND190087, the home shall not exceed 30% lot coverage.
3) Post land abandonment ABND190087, the property will maintain a minimum 30 feet front yard setback.
4) 1 year to complete abandonment ABND190087