ZA-324-21-6 * Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info *
Zoning Adjustment Request: Variance to delete stipulation Nos. 1 and 4 from ZA-958-06-6
Existing Stipulations: 1) No additional height added to this structure. 2) No windows to be added to east side of building. 3) No additional roof penetrations other than those necessary for air conditioning unit. 4) No additional addition to this structure.
ZAHO Hearing date: August 5, 2021 [9:00] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item #3 ]
Note: This hearing has been continued to October 21, 2021 at 9:00 AM.
The Mountgrove Neighborhood is opposed to this request [ read position email here ]
The ACMNA is opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]