4202 N. 55th Place

4202 N. 55th Place

ZA-13-24-6 *  Map    * Site Plan Narrative * Aerial * Assessors Info  

1) Variance to reduce the required side yard setback (north) to 10 feet. Minimum 20 feet required.

2) Variance to reduce the required side yard setback (south) to 15 feet. Minimum 20 feet required.

3) Variance to reduce the required front yard setback (east) to 20 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.

ZAHO Hearing date: April 11, 2024 [9:00 AM] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 3 ]

5353 E Rockridge

5353 E Rockridge

ZA-147-24-6Map  Aerial * Narrative  * Site Plan *  Assessors Info  *

Variance to reduce the required rear yard setback (east) to 20 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.

ZAHO Hearing date: April 4, 2024 [9:00 AM] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 7 ]

The ACMNA does not oppose this request [ Read the ACMNA position statement here ]

Hearing Results: Approved with stipulations:

1)    18 months to apply and pay for building permits.

2)    Landscaping or trees shall be provided on the east end of the new building.

3) Per the rear yard setback shown on the site plan date stamped February 29, 2024.

6102 E Calle del Medio

6102 E Calle del Medio

ZA-623-23-6 * Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info 

1) Variance to reduce the rear yard setback (east) to 10 feet. Minimum 30 feet required.

2) Variance to reduce the front yard setback (west) for a detached accessory dwelling unit to 15 feet. Minimum 30 feet required.

3) Use permit to allow detached accessory dwelling unit located between the primary dwelling unit and the front property line. Use permit required.

ZAHO Hearing date: February 29, 1:30 [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 9 ]

[ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

5040 Arcadia Drive (this case has been continued 3 times)

5040 Arcadia Drive (this case has been continued 3 times)

ZA-325-23-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info 

Variance to allow an over height fence 7 feet high in the required front yard setback. Maximum 40 inches allowed.

ZAHO Hearing date: October 26, 2023 9:00am [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 1 ]

On January 18, 2024, this request was denied by the ZAHO

The ACMNA is OPPOSED to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

4633 N. 44th Street

4633 N. 44th Street

ZA-681-23-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info 

1) Variance to reduce the required front yard setback (west) to 8 feet. Minimum 20 feet required.

2) Variance to reduce the rear yard setback (northeast) to 5 feet. Minimum 25 foot setback required.

3) Variance to delete the required landscape strip around the principal structure to 0 feet. Minimum 3 feet of landscape required.

4) Variance to eliminate requirement for 200 square feet of additional landscaping,

ZAHO Hearing date: January 18, 2024, 9:00am [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 5 ]

The ACMNA IS NOT opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

5111 N. Saddle Rock Lane

5111 N. Saddle Rock Lane

ZA-423-23-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info 

1) Variance to reduce the required side yard (northeast) setback to 10 feet. Minimum 20 feet required.

2) Variance to reduce the required side yard (east) setback to 10 feet. Minimum 20 feet required.

ZAHO Hearing date: November 2, 2023 9:00am [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 5 ]

The ACMNA IS NOT opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

5275 E Arcadia Lane

5275 E Arcadia Lane

ZA-594-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info 

Variance to allow an over height (12 feet) detached accessory structure within the required side yard setback (south). Maximum 8 feet permitted.

ZAHO Hearing date: February 2, 2023 9:00am [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 2 ]

The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

Result: The Zoning Adjustment Hearing Officer approved this request for variance.

4959 Red Rock Drive

4959 Red Rock Drive

ZA-420-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info

1) Variance to reduce the front yard setback (north) to 10 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.

2) Variance to reduce the required side yard setback (west) to 15 feet. Minimum 20 feet required.

ZAHO Hearing date: October 27 , 2022 1:30PM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 11 ]

The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

ZAHO Decision: Approved with stipulations, General conformance to the site plan date stamped September 1, 2022 with regard to the dimensions of the request for front and west side setbacks. 2 years to apply and pay for building permits.

5515 E. Calle Del Paisano

5515 E. Calle Del Paisano

ZA-375-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info

Variance to reduce the side yard setback (east) to 5 feet. Minimum 10 feet required.

ZA Hearing date: September 29, 2022 9:00 AM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 6 ]

ZAHO Decision: Approved with stipulations; 1) Limited to general compliance with what is shown on the site plan date stamped August 11, 2022. 2) 1 year to apply and pay for building permits.

The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

4631 North Royal Palm Circle

4631 North Royal Palm Circle

ZA-359-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info

1) Use permit to allow a closed projection to project 33 feet into the rear yard (south) setback. Use permit required.

2) Variance to reduce the side yard setback (east) for a detached accessory structure to 0 feet. Minimum 3 foot setback required.

3) Variance to allow an over height (15 feet) detached accessory structure within the required side yard setback. Maximum 8 feet permitted.

ZAHO Hearing date: September 22 , 2022 9:00 [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 3 ]

The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

ZAHO Decision: These variance requests were approved with the following stipulations:

1) Per the setback reductions as shown in the site plan dated August 4, 2022.

2) Maximum height of the structure shall not exceed 15 feet.

3) Shrubs shall be planted to screen detached structure for the neighbor to the east.

4) 1 year to apply and pay for building permits.