ZA-194-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info
1) Variance to reduce the required minimum lot depth to 160 feet for Lot K. Minimum 175 feet required.
2) Variance to reduce the required front setback (north) to 15 feet for Lot K. Minimum 40 feet required.
3) Variance to reduce the minimum lot width to 20 feet for Lot L. Minimum 150 feet of width required.
ZAHO Hearing date: August 18, 2022 9:00AM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 1 ]
ZAHO Decision: These variance requests were approved with the following stipulations: 1) One year to complete the lot split. 2) Subject to the site plan date stamped April 28, 2022, with the exception the access to Lot L shall be placed along the east side of Lot K.