5649 E Rockridge Road (Copy)

5649 E Rockridge Road (Copy)

ZA-194-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info

1) Variance to reduce the required minimum lot depth to 160 feet for Lot K. Minimum 175 feet required.

2) Variance to reduce the required front setback (north) to 15 feet for Lot K. Minimum 40 feet required.

3) Variance to reduce the minimum lot width to 20 feet for Lot L. Minimum 150 feet of width required.

ZAHO Hearing date: August 18, 2022 9:00AM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 1 ]

ZAHO Decision: These variance requests were approved with the following stipulations: 1) One year to complete the lot split. 2) Subject to the site plan date stamped April 28, 2022, with the exception the access to Lot L shall be placed along the east side of Lot K.

5302 E Palomino

5302 E Palomino

ZA-266-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info

1) Variance to reduce the rear yard (east) setback to 20 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.

2) Variance to increase the height of a wall (6 feet) located in the front yard setback. Maximum 40 inches permitted.

3) Variance to reduce the front yard (west and south) to 35 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.

ZAHO Hearing date: July 14, 2022 1:30PM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 16 ]

The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

ZAHO Decision:

5649 E Rockridge Road

5649 E Rockridge Road

ZA-194-22-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info

1) Variance to reduce the required minimum lot depth to 160 feet for Lot K. Minimum 175 feet required.

2) Variance to reduce the required front setback (north) to 15 feet for Lot K. Minimum 40 feet required.

3) Variance to reduce the minimum lot width to 20 feet for Lot L. Minimum 150 feet of width required.

ZAHO Hearing date: June 23, 2022 1:30PM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 14 ]

This request for variances was continued to August 18, 2022 at 9:00 AM.

4202 N. 58th Street

4202 N. 58th Street

ZA-100-22 * Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info

1) Variance to reduce the front yard setback to 32 feet for a detached structure. Minimum 32 feet 5 inches required.

2) Variance to reduce the side yard (north) setback to 8 feet. Minimum 10 feet required.

ZAHO Hearing date: May 5 , 2022 [ 9AM [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 4 ]

The ACMNA is OPPOSED to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

5730 & 5740 E Exeter Blvd.

5730 & 5740 E Exeter Blvd.

ZA-99-22 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info

1) Variance to reduce the lot width to 50 feet (Lot 2). Minimum 150 feet required.

2) Variance to allow an over height (14 feet) detached accessory structure (Lot 2) within the side yard setback (east). Maximum 8 feet permitted.

3) Variance to reduce the required side yard setback (east) to 9 feet (Lot 1). Minimum 20 feet required.

ZAHO Hearing date: April 28 , 2022 [ 1:30] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 15 ]

The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

ZAHO Decision: APPROVED with stipulations, 1) The approval of variance number 3 is only for the existing structures. 2) 18 months to apply and pay for building permits.

5420 E Calle Tuberia

5420 E Calle Tuberia

ZA-91-22 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info

Variance to reduce the required front yard setback (south) to 30 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.

ZAHO Hearing date: April 28 , 2022 [ 9:00 AM] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 4 ]

The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

ZAHO Decision: APPROVED with stipulation, The home shall not exceed 1 story in height and limited to 15 feet in height as measured to the mid-point the roof.

5275 East Arcadia Lane

5275 East Arcadia Lane

ZA-89-22 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info

Variance to reduce the rear yard (west) setback to 20 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.

ZAHO Hearing date: April 21 , 2022 [ 9:00AM] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 6]

The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

Hearing Results - This request was approved with stipulations: 1) 1 year to apply and pay for building permits. 2) Per the setback reduction as shown on the plan dated March 17, 2022. 3) The southern perimeter of this lot shall maintain a 40-foot setback for the main building.

4519 N 61st Place

4519 N 61st Place

ZA-132-22 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info

Variance to reduce the required rear yard (east) setback to 20 feet. Minimum 40 feet required

ZAHO Hearing date: April 21 , 2022 [ 1:30 PM] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 2 ]

The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

Hearing Results - Approved with stipulations: 1) 1 year to apply and pay for building permits. 2) Per the setback reduction as shown on the site plan dated March 22, 2022

6140 E Calle Tuberia

6140 E Calle Tuberia

ZA-690-21-6 Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info

Variance to allow a closed projection to encroach 8 feet into the required front yard (south) setback. Maximum 5 foot projection for no more than one-half of the maximum width of the structure permitted.

ZAHO Hearing date: February 24, 2022 [ 9:00 AM] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 2 ]

The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

Hearing Results: Approved with Stipulations: Per site plan date stamped December 13, 2021, with the exception that the wall running along the east property line shall be modified to ensure visibility to the north along 62nd street. 1 year to apply and pay for building permits.

4453 North 54th Street

4453 North 54th Street

ZA-652-21-6 * Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info

1) Variance to reduce the required front yard (north) setback to 20 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.

2) Variance to reduce the required rear yard (south) setback to 20 feet. Minimum 40 feet required.

ZAHO Hearing date: February 3, 2022[ 9:00 ] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 7 ]

The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

Hearing Results: Approved with Stipulations, 1) 18 months to apply and pay for building permits.

2) The west and east side building setbacks shall be a minimum of 40 feet.

5035 E Lafayette

5035 E Lafayette

ZA-627-21-6 Map *Aerial *Narrative * Site Plan * Floor Plan *Assessors Info

Variance to reduce the rear yard setback (southwest) to 4 feet. Minimum 30 feet required

ZAHO Hearing date: January 20, 2021 [ 1:30 ] click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 13

The ACMNA is opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

Hearing Results: DENIED. Note: this denial by the Zoning Adjustment Hearing Officer was appealed to the Board of Adjustment. The BOA upheld the ZAHO decision for denial on July 7,2022

5941 & 5931 East Lafayette Blvd.

5941 & 5931 East Lafayette Blvd.

ZA-66-21-6 * Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info *

1) Variance to reduce the lot width for Lot 1 to 115 feet. Minimum 130 feet required.

2) Variance to reduce the lot width for Lot 2 to 120 feet. Minimum 130 feet required.

ZAHO Hearing date: December 30, 2021 [ 9:00 ] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 2 ]

The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

Hearing Results: Approved with stipulation, 1 year to complete the lot line adjustment process.

5602 E Calle del Paisano

5602 E Calle del Paisano

ZA-469-21-6 * Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info *

1) Variance to reduce required front yard (west) setback to 15 feet. Minimum 30 feet required.

2) Variance to reduce the required rear yard (east) to 12 feet. Minimum 30 feet required.

ZAHO Hearing date: October 21, 2021 [ 1:30 ] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 11 ]

The ACMNA is not opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

Hearing Results: Approved with stipulations, 1) One year to apply and pay for building permits. 2) Per the setback reductions as shown on the plan dated August 4, 2021

DIGITAL BILLBOARD 4234 E Indian School Rd.

DIGITAL BILLBOARD 4234 E Indian School Rd.

ZA-405-21-6 SIGN * Map *

Use Permit to convert an existing non-conforming off-premise sign to digital billboard

Applicant: Jacob Zonn, Becker Boards - Representative: William Lally, Tiffany & Bosco

ZAHO Hearing date: September 9, 1:30PM [ Agenda item 12 ]

The ACMNA is opposed this variance [ read our position statement here ]

Zoning Ordinance prohibits aspects which have the following impacts:

  • Increased glare than currently exists Rather than light pointed upwards onto an ad, ads will be beamed outwards into the community’s eyes.

  • Decreased surrounding property values Size and brightness are inconsistent with Arcadia, home buyers avoid busy and distractive elements.

  • Neighborhood deterioration Advertising of this size and brightness demands attention, increasing dangers to drivers and pedestrians.

  • Roadway safety NHTSA/USDOT determined a correlation with increased crash rates with digital billboards compared to non-digital.
    [ click here for More information ]

4701 E Calle Redonda

4701 E Calle Redonda

ZA-324-21-6 * Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info *

Zoning Adjustment Request: Variance to delete stipulation Nos. 1 and 4 from ZA-958-06-6

Existing Stipulations: 1) No additional height added to this structure. 2) No windows to be added to east side of building. 3) No additional roof penetrations other than those necessary for air conditioning unit. 4) No additional addition to this structure.

ZAHO Hearing date: August 5, 2021 [9:00] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item #3 ]

Note: This hearing has been continued to October 21, 2021 at 9:00 AM.

The Mountgrove Neighborhood is opposed to this request [ read position email here ]

The ACMNA is opposed to this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

6234 East Monterosa Street

6234 East Monterosa Street

ZA-253-21-6 * Map * Aerial * Narrative * Site Plan * Assessors Info *

1) Variance to reduce the front yard setback (southeast) to 20 feet. Minimum 30 feet required.

2) Variance to reduce the rear yard setback (north) to 12 feet from the center of the alley. Minimum 30 feet from the center of the alley required.

ZAHO Hearing date: June 24, 2021 [1:30] [ click here for hearing details, Agenda Item 15 ]

The ACMNA does NOT oppose this request [ read the ACMNA position statement here ]

This request was approved with stipulations:

  1. 1 year to apply and pay for building permits.

  2. Setback reductions shall be in general conformance to the site plan dated April 27, 2021.